Just Bee originated in 2016 when Mackenzie initiated the blogging project, 21 Days of Creation. She committed to creating something every day for 21 consecutive days and writing about what she learned. Along the way she learned that creation and order are closely related, and as she created more order in her life, she found greater peace and understanding about herself, God, and relationships with other people.
Since then, she has mentored hundreds of people and offered thousands of presentations and workshops which have successfully helped many people articulate their personal brand and find greater peace and belonging as they understand and evolve through their clutter patterns. She is a firm believer that your mess can become your message to the world as you move through the chaos and create order.
We encourage you to overcome obstacles to authentic living by embracing values of simplicity, grace and truth. Stop looking outside yourself for validation, and start looking inside to discover the peace and personal power that comes from living in full authenticity. We hope to help you find the tools you need to Just Bee you.
Release what does not serve you and choose to let it go. Doing so opens mind space and physical space to welcome what brings you the most joy.
Forgive yourself and others freely and often. Surrendering the bitterness of yesterday allows you to embrace the beauty of today.
Be honest in your thoughts, words and deeds. The truth will set you free.
Don't look outside for the light shining within.
Use the chat box on your screen to reach out. We will respond within 2-3 business days.